Thalatta Seaside Hotel Experience

Thalatta Seaside Hotel Thalatta Seaside Hotel Experience is the ideal destination for your next business event. Suitable for larger conferences as well as corporate weekends and business deals meetings, it features a conference hall with state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment, ample space for corporate team building activities on- and off-site and luxurious villas with private pools, large salons and private decks for long business meetings and small receptions. Boost your employees’ cooperation and team skills with fun athletic activities on our beach or in the nearby canyons; reward them for their exceptional performance with a weekend getaway spa treat; discuss end-of-year results and set new-year goals with your senior management; impress investors and collaborators with a boutique meeting in a stunning setting and celebrate your success with a private reception. Thalatta Seaside Hotel Experience is one of the best destinations in Greece for weddings and christenings. And with its superb services, stunning setting and elegant impressive architecture, it’s no wonder the Thalatta Seaside Hotel Experience is the perfect place to host your most perfect day!
Accommodation , Air conditioning , Catering , CD/DVD Player & DJ set , Parking , Photography / Filming , Pool , Standard Audiovisual Support , Wi–Fi

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Thalatta Seaside Hotel Experience


This facility is also characterized by:

baptism , conference , corporate hosting , daily conference , events , lecture , meeting , reception , seminar , wedding